Organic Chemistry: The branch of chemistry which deals with systematic study of hydro-carbons and their derivatives.
Organic Compound: The compounds obtained from living beings i.e. plants; animals are called organic compounds because they are found in organs of plant and animals. E.g. sugar, fat, oil, proteins, etc.
In-Organic Compound: The compound which are obtained from minerals i.e. non-living sources are called in-organic compound. E.g. marble, different type of salts, etc.
1. Vital force theory.
2. Sources of organic compounds.
3. Importance of organic chemistry.
HYDRO-CARBONS: The compounds which are made up of only hydrogen and carbon elements by covalent bonds are called HYDRO-CARBONS.
4. Functional Group.
4.1 Characteristics of functional group.
5. Classification of hydro carbons.
5.1 Classification table.
Tetra co-valency: Each carbon atom having four covalent bond is called tetra co-valency. This is due to mutual sharing of electrons to c-atoms with neighboring atoms.
Catenation property of Carbon: Carbons has a unique property of linking itself to other carbon atoms to give open chain or cyclic structure. This property of self linking is known as catenation.
6. Empirical formula.
7. Structural and molecular formulae.
8. Types of carbon. (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
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