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Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner - W. B. Yeats


Now that I am an old man I protect myself from the rain under an old and broken tree. When I was young I sat near the fire with other young men and discussed love or politics. That was before I was changed by time.

While young boys are making weapons to attack the government, and crazy, bad boys show their anger at human violence, I think about how time has changed me.

No woman would look at an old man, but I remember the woman I have loved. I spit into the face of time which has changed me.


W. B. Yeats, one of the moat important figures of 20th century poetry, expresses his grief of his old age in his poem entitled “The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner.” In this poem, the poet remembers about his young life and expresses his disgust against ‘Time’ that has changed him to an old man. The poet is furious because he has lost everything- his love, his youth and the power.

In his old age, the poet takes a shelter under a broken tree. He is neglected by everyone. But, he remembers that his chair used to be nearest to the fire where young people talked about love or politics. His youth was very interesting but the time has changed him to an old man.

The poet further describes that the boys are fighting for the power. They are making some kind of conspiracy to win the power. They are fighting against the wrong deeds of influencing people. But, the poet is lost in the thought and thinks about the time that has changed him completely. The woman whom he loved has left him and he does not get any sympathy from any beautiful women because he is an old man. But the poet is tortured by the memory of his youthful life. The poet thinks that ‘time’ is the great enemy that has transfigured him to an old man. That’s why, he spit with disgust into the face of time.